Exchanging Christchurch’s filters since 1995

Greasebusters offers your business a professional, regular, cost effective means of solving your kitchen exhaust filter cleaning problems. Currently serving Christchurch’s cafes, bars and restaurants.


Grease filters are often forgotten about sitting up in their hood, but with a little maintenance they can last a long time. There is a tendency for people to clean grease filters in the dishwasher. This is bad for two fundamental reasons:

  • The caustic nature of most commercial dishwasher cleaners is very strong. As dishwasher aren’t designed for something as large as a grease filter, chemical residue is left in the corners where the circular motion of the washer head can’t reach. The chemical residue can sit and corrode the filter in a fairly short space of time (1-2 months) and make them unusable.
  • Quite often the grease filter can contain small solids from char grill cooking and the like, these solids can lodge inside the dishwasher and drop out onto crockery in subsequent washes leaving small black spots over your clean white crockery ( not a good look). These solids can also clog up the dishwasher filter. 

Having the filters cleaned professionally can extend their live many fold, and if using an exchange service you may never need to buy grease filters again.

Filter Exchange

We can regularly exchange all of your kitchen filters at a time convenient to you. They will quickly be replaced with new, sparkling clean filters to ensure you maintain a high standard of kitchen hygiene.

Filter Sales

As well as filter exchange, we also stock new filters at competitive prices for you to purchase. Contact us to arrange a suitable model and negotiate a price.